Bad Ass Babes Club

A little self love.

To be honest this post is mostly me being a little vain.. sorry not sorry. I wanted to practice taking some self portraits that aren't just selfies at arms length on my (reasonably new) camera. 

And also to be a lil more honest, I wanted to show off this pretty awesome top I have with "Bad Ass Babes Club" on the back. I wore it for the first time a few weeks ago (when these photos were taken) to my boyfriends friends' gig, and although it wasn't weather appropriate I thought it was pretty jazzy to wear to a gig and I just wanted an excuse to show it off really. I originally bought it when I was buying things for my trip to Paris, but didn't end up wearing it - not surprising really since it essentially exposes half my stomach and half my back too.

The top is by the brand Sacred Hawk and I bought it on sale online from ASOS. I love Sacred Hawk clothing, they combine a lot of my favourite styles. Their clothing is a little bit boho, a little bit grunge, and a little bit western. I'm a sucker for tassels and anything that gives off rocker / biker chick vibes.

These photos also accidentally and unintentionally show off my new tattoos, which I wrote about here. I showed my boyfriend and some of my flatmates some of these photos to ask them what they thought. I felt a little silly taking them since I don't usually, but I want to try and post more fashion related stuff on my blog. Plus, I don't know how to pose or anything and thought I looked a little moody in some of them (resting moody face). 

But both my boyfriend and my flatmates said I looked "bad ass" and that I look like I won't take any shit from anyone. Which is true, I won't. But I am a nice welcoming person so it was a little funny as I don't really give off that vibe in person.. though my clothes sometimes do. But anyway their comments made me smile because none of them had actually noticed the back of the top, and the fact the top actually says "Bad Ass Babes Club". 

Ain't nothing wrong with thinking you're a bad ass babe every once in a while (or all the time in fact). It's nice to feel confident and stylin' sometimes, and that isn't a bad thing. I notice a lot of my confidence comes from my style because I like expressing myself through funky outfits. If I feel like shit, chances are my mood will be improved if I've got a snazzy outfit on to get me through the day. As evident by my excessive amount of clothes. And also, "Bad Ass Babes Club" is also a little reminder to support your fellow gals, gals supporting gals and all that jazz. 

As Ru Paul says.. "If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?"

-x.o, B.E.J
